52 Outreach Exercises for 2020

Adam Barr
Adam T. Barr (MDiv, ThM) serves as senior pastor at Peace Church near Grand Rapids Michigan. In addition to his work in the local church, Adam speaks and writes on Christianity and culture, helping followers of Jesus understand and apply God’s Word in an increasingly post-Christian society. His most recent book, Compassion Without Compromise, is available through Bethany House. Adam is also a contributing writer and adjunct teacher on the Organic Outreach International team, serving as the Director of Cultural Apologetics and hosting our Organic Outreach Podcast.
The New Year is a time for making resolutions. Usually, we come up with a crowded lists of things we want to change. Sometimes, we actually achieve a few. Far too often, we forget about them by the end of January. In 2020, I want us to reflect on the power of taking small steps towards one great goal.
Here is the goal: This year, I want to walk with at least one person until they make a faith commitment to Jesus Christ.
Does that sound audacious? Does it sound modest? It probably depends on your perspective. If you come from a more Calvinist bent, you might be thinking, “It is totally presumptuous to make a goal like that. Only God can make that happen.” To that reaction, I offer this reply: God almost always uses people to achieve His sovereignly ordained purposes. He has commanded us to go, sharing our faith, and seeing people converted. If He has commanded, then we should expect Him to actually bring fruit from our efforts at obedience. Practically speaking, if you never identify a target you’ll miss the bullseye every time.
If that goal sounds too modest, that’s great! Choose a different number. My only advice is to be realistic. Look at the last three years of your life. Have you been sharing your faith and seeing fruit in ways that line up with the goal you are setting? In this instance, I am simply operating on a basic assumption: Defining a S.M.A.R.T goal (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timebound) is better than walking around with vague hope.
Let’s look at that goal one more time: This year, I want to walk with at least one person until they make a faith commitment to Jesus Christ.
Over the coming months, I will be breaking down some very practical ways you can do this. Within each big idea, I’ll include some specific exercises that you can put into practice. You can cherry-pick just one or try several. What you do is up to you. The idea is to take at least one step towards your big goal each week (and there are 52 opportunities in 2020).
To conclude this article, let me point you towards your first two steps:
Step 1: Define your sphere.
Every one of us has a sphere of influence. This is the first place we should begin looking for opportunities. Sometime this week, sit down with a piece of paper. Write out the different places that are regular interaction points for you (e.g., work, family, gym, etc.). Now, within each of these places, identify anyone you know (even if at a distance) that you do not believe has yet crossed the line of faith. You might have several names when you are finished. You have defined your sphere.
Step 2: Seek God’s Help
Spend time this week praying over your list of names. Are there people that weigh heavy on your heart? Are there people with whom you might already have a connection that just needs to be strengthened over time? Prayerfully ask the Lord for direction as you discern where He would have you focus your efforts. More than anything, pray for pure motives and a Christ-like love as you consider who God might be calling you to reach.
Step 3: Share Your Hope
It is so important to share your hope with another person who will help support you. You are embarking on a journey. There will be ups and downs. No one can guarantee the outcome of your efforts. But having a fellow Christian praying with and for you will help. It will also give you accountability. When we speak our hope, we are planting a stake in the ground. So, whether it is a spouse, small group, or a roommate, take time and share the name(s) of people you’re hoping to reach and ask for ongoing prayer support.
There you go. Three simple exercises. But if you take a few minutes and start now, you’ll be two steps closer to seeing a life changed for eternity!