Jan Unfried
Jan Unfried is a wife, mom, grandma, teacher, author, and speaker. Beginning her day with her morning cup of coffee and her Bible starts the day right. Jan uses her gifts at her local church teaching Bible studies, serving on the worship team, and helping in women’s ministries. Her claim to fame is appearing on “Wheel of Fortune”. Her favorite spots to vacation are Maui and Lake Tahoe (and anywhere she can try a new coffee shop)
So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. 1 Corinthians 3:7
Jenn stepped off the plane, welcoming a chance to stretch her legs after the long flight from Honolulu to Los Angeles. The quick break preceded the final phase of her journey to a week of collaboration and encouragement with fellow authors. This mountain retreat would be a perfect place to put distractions aside and concentrate on her craft. She couldn’t wait.
Unlike other flights that Jenn was used to, the connecting forty-minute ride from LAX to Sacramento did not have assigned seats. It was a choose-your-own, hope-there-is-something-decent-available opportunity. As she made her way down the aisle, Jenn scrutinized the choices still at her disposal and assessed the passengers already seated. Jenn made eye contact with a businessman, probably in his late fifties or early sixties.
“May I sit next to you?” she asked, as she pointed to the seat next to him. She knew she didn’t technically have to ask his permission, but she felt it was the respectful thing to do.
“Sure,” he replied. They then did the somewhat awkward dance of arranging bodies and baggage into the not-so-spacious accommodations.
As a further gesture of politeness and thanks for allowing her to take up the neighboring area, Jenn introduced herself and asked the gentleman his name and what he did for a living. Ken surprisingly was up for a bit of conversation. The ease of communicating with someone from the next generation came naturally for Jenn, so they jumped into a back-and-forth dialogue that covered surface information. Eventually, their banter got deeper and more insightful.
Jenn soon found out that Ken, a retired military officer, traveled the country training cadets and instructors in local high school ROTC programs. He shared his passion for providing these leaders with a clear path to embracing discipline and direction in their lives. Knowing that not all of the military students had positive role models or father figures, Ken attempted to balance his high expectations with a true concern for their well-being.
After answering some of Jenn’s questions about his line of work, he wanted to know more about what she did. She explained that she was a writer and an online and podcast communicator who loves to encourage families. She told him a little bit about the retreat she was attending, and his interest was piqued.
Ken asked Jenn to tell him more about her writing subject. She told him that she encourages mothers to know that they are strong enough to be good mothers. In a world where there are hundreds of opinions about how to be the best parent, moms get confused about how to do it right. They are often discouraged and frustrated in their abilities to raise their children properly. Jenn offers hope and grace to help moms see that they are already doing many things well.
As she was sharing all of this, Ken’s wheels were turning. He began to tell of his three adult daughters. Two girls were from his first marriage, the third daughter was from his second marriage. His youngest daughter, he proudly reported, was driven and successful. He worried about the other two. His first wife was opposed to things of faith. He could see evidence of depression and hopelessness in their lives as a result of not having a belief in God.
Ken began to reflect on the fact that his first wife had been involved with consulting psychics and mediums. He paused for a moment before asking Jenn, “What do you know about that? Do you know anything about the spirit world?”
The seeds of God’s heavenly garden, Ken’s heart, were being tended throughout the conversation. Jenn took a moment to breathe in a prayer asking the Holy Spirit to help her till and water the soil. Here was a golden opportunity to unfold God’s truth, but she wanted to express it in a way that would make sense and tie in with the need that this man had. Ken desperately wanted to be able to connect with his daughters, and he wanted to be able to bridge the gap with communication and love. It seemed evident that Ken knew that there was something beyond ourselves that his daughters were missing, and he was seeking answers and direction.
Jenn’s silent prayer took but a moment, but the Holy Spirit transcended time and helped clear her thoughts. She began by sharing that she believed there was a very real spiritual realm. We were all created to worship something, and answers could come from a variety of directions as we sought to fill that void.
She then shared that the main difference between Christianity and other religions or cultic practices like those Ken had described was that the God of the Bible wants to know us personally. He gives us the free will to choose Him because He isn’t a puppet master or a dictator.

The harvest is plentiful, in other words, there are always opportunities before us. We can look at people as interruptions and annoyances, or we can ask God to go before us and prepare us to see and hear them as He does.
Jenn began to use military language to help Ken relate to what she was saying. She said she believed we have an enemy. The best thing Ken could do to fight for his girls was to pray for them, that they would come to know God. She went on to tell Ken about the God of the Bible, who is bigger than us. He is holy, righteous, just, and loving. It doesn’t matter what we’ve done or not done in this life because we all matter to Him, and He hears us.
Jenn expressed confidence that through Ken’s prayers, God would put someone in the paths of Ken’s daughters to draw them to Him. Ken could let the God who knows and sees all work out the details. Whether it was through their kids’ daycare, at the gas station, or their jobs, Ken could pray that someone would be placed in their lives to show them who God is.
The flow of conversation had been natural and organic. Jenn had been very conscious of not wanting to be pushy or presumptuous. She had tried to practice good listening skills. At this point in the flight, Ken’s demeanor became thoughtful and he appeared close to tears. He paused to breathe in and out a few times.
Then he said, “Can I ask you a question? Why did you choose to sit here?”
Jenn just grinned and replied, “It was open and you seemed like a nice guy.”
She knew that God had set up this divine appointment. She breathed a prayer of thanksgiving as the plane began its final descent. Ken expressed his thankfulness for her time and attention. It was evident that his thoughts were swirling, and he was trying to make sense of this encounter and the deep spiritual stirrings within. They walked off the plane together to the luggage carousel for baggage claim.
As they parted, Jenn was overwhelmed that God had used her for this Heavenly planting. She knew that on this side of Heaven she would probably never know how the seeds of their conversation would be cultivated. It hadn’t been her job to bring Ken to a place of commitment. She had just been obedient to give of her time and spiritual insights!
Jenn later reflected on how amazing God was. There was no way she could have manipulated or controlled this encounter. The limited time frame of the flight was perfect for an urgent message to be delivered. Her recent study of the names of God had been fresh on her heart and mind, allowing her to share her beliefs with confidence. The exact seat at this exact time had been “assigned” long before the flight had been scheduled.
The harvest is plentiful, in other words, there are always opportunities before us. We can look at people as interruptions and annoyances, or we can ask God to go before us and prepare us to see and hear them as He does. Jesus was the prime example of making space for others throughout the Gospels. He took time to make sure the hungry crowds had been fed. He changed directions to go with the synagogue ruler whose daughter was ill. He welcomed the children who were brought to Him. He stopped to heal a man who had been blind since birth.
It is a relief to know that we don’t have to be in charge of making the garden grow. Some of us will plant, others will water, according to the task God has given us. Only God can make it grow. We just have to be poised with openness to listen to God’s voice. We have the privilege of sharing the hope and love of God with others, and we don’t have to be flying in the clouds to do it. We can be anywhere for God to bring us to His higher ground.
Website: www.janunfried.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/commongroundchronicles
Books are available on Amazon