From Famine to Funding for the Sake of the Gospel

Kevin Harney
Kevin is the President and co-founder of Organic Outreach International. Along with founding Organic Outreach International together, Kevin and Sherry have co-authored Organic Disciples, Seven Ways to Grow Spiritually and Naturally Share Jesus, the Organic Outreach Trilogy, and Organic Prayer. Kevin is the lead pastor of Shoreline Church in Monterey, California.
If you starve something, almost anything, it will die! This is a painful fact of nature.
This is also true in the spiritual world! Some of the most important things God wants to unleash have been stalled or are slowly dying because of a famine of financial support. It takes money to do mission. We need resources to reach the world with the Good News of Jesus. There needs to be funding for a ministry like Organic Outreach International to help churches and leaders around the globe learn to reach the lost sheep who Jesus came to save.
We live in a time when many people are feeling the pinch of inflation. Some people are just making ends meet. Let’s all commit to pray for these folks, encourage them, and help where we can! Those of us who have enough resources and are feeling God’s kind provision in this season need to step up and fuel ministry through our generosity. When we can make a difference in a time of financial famine, God delights when we share in His work.

Here is my encouragement and prayer.
I encourage you to help fuel the ministries you love as we come near the end of this year. Your home church, ministries you love, and of course, Organic Outreach International could all benefit greatly through your generous giving. Stop and pray for wisdom. Look at all God has placed in your care. Then, make an investment in a ministry that is having an eternal impact through sharing the message and love of Jesus.
I pray for you to find joy in generosity and that God will supply for your needs in such a way that you are able to help fund ministries that are in a time of famine! May the Holy Spirit stir your heart and move you to share from all He has provided.
God will delight in this. You will grow in faith. Ministries will thrive. And, you will meet people in heaven one day because you have shared in this ministry of giving.
Blessings in abundance!