How Committed is Your Congregation to the Great Commission

Kevin Harney
Jesus loved questions and so should we!
How do you measure and gain meaningful insight into the essential question: How Committed is Your Congregation to the Great Commission? How can you know if the people who are part of your ministry are truly committed to the call of Jesus to “Make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19)? I would suggest asking the people who are part of your ministry five probing questions. The way they answer will help you discern the condition of their hearts and the level of their commitment to the call Jesus gave His people right before He ascended to heaven.
Question 1 – Will we give up what we love for the sake of lost people that Jesus loves? When a church reaches out to wandering and lost people and when those people start coming, things change! They simply can’t stay the same. To reach a changing world with the unchanging hope of Jesus, we have to be willing to sacrifice things we love like music styles, knowing everyone by name, the physical building where we meet, familiar styles and orders of worship, and so much more. We show that we are committed to the mission of Jesus when we place our tastes and preferences on the altar.
Question 2 – Will we joyfully invest our church/ministry budget for the sake of people who are not yet part of Jesus’ family? Many churches are willing to spend budget money on programs for us, our kids, and our grandkids. But many church members will raise concerns when we invest “too much” in the community or people who are not yet part of our church. A heart committed to the Great Commission will be soft and willing to give even more so we can reach lost and wandering sheep right in our neighborhood.
Question 3 – Will we show up and actively engage in training opportunities that will prepare us to share our stories of faith and story of God’s amazing faithfulness and grace? Let’s be honest, many churches do not take time to train church members to share the Good News of Jesus. Part of the reason is that when we offer training, very few people show up. We will know our church is all in for the mission of Jesus when more and more members show up when we offer a time that will sharpen their evangelistic skills.

"We will know our church is all in for the mission of Jesus when more and more members show up when we offer a time that will sharpen their evangelistic skills."
Question 4 – Will we pray for revival in our community with renewed passion and vigor? The power of heaven is unleashed when the people of God pray. Plan a time for the whole church to gather and pray for a great harvest of people coming to faith in Jesus. If you have a great turnout, you know there is a burning desire to fulfill the Great Commission. If almost no one shows up, including the pastor, guess what?
Question 5 – If everyone in my church/ministry was reaching out to the lost with the same commitment and frequency that I do, would this be good for the mission of Jesus? Would you dare to ask this question of the people in your ministry? How might they respond? Why not begin with yourself? Ask this question in the quiet of your heart. What if all the people in your church had the same passion and excitement for sharing their faith that you do? What if they invested the same amount of time in personal evangelism that you do? Would this propel your church forward on the mission of Jesus? Or, would it bring things to a screeching halt? Be very humble and honest and you might gain some fresh insight into the state of outreach in your ministry.
All five of these questions will help us see if our people are following the call of Jesus found in Luke 9, “Take up our cross, deny ourselves, and follow Jesus.” You see, the call of the Gospel is costly on many levels. If you want to find tools to help ordinary Christians engage with fresh excitement and commitment to the Great Commission, you will find many practical and relatable resources on the Organic Outreach Website. ( Or, set up a free fifteen-minute chat with one of our leaders here: Calendly Link