I Will Not Be Shaken

Jan Unfried
Jan Unfried is a wife, mom, grandma, teacher, author, and speaker. She begins her day with her morning cup of coffee, and her Bible starts the day right. Jan uses her gifts at her local church teaching Bible studies, serving on the worship team, and helping in women’s ministries. Her claim to fame is appearing on “Wheel of Fortune”. Her favorite spots to vacation are Maui and Lake Tahoe (and anywhere she can try a new coffee shop).
“I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” – Psalm 16:8
On a recent flight to the East Coast, we arrived at the terminal to find that three flights, including ours, had been canceled because of maintenance problems. In the scramble to reschedule, we found ourselves in a line with other harried passengers. We were all attempting to catch a plane that would not delay our trip too drastically. Since we were in vacation mode, our time and itinerary were pretty flexible. In sharp contrast, the lady in front of us was between angry and frantic. She was supposed to be at the White House that evening, and she had already arranged and paid for her Uber ride from Dulles National Airport. We talked a bit and shared the customer service number with her that we had been given. She was able to procure a direct flight on a different airline that would allow her to reach her destination promptly.
Ten days later, we were heading home. To my surprise, the same lady we had met in line on day one slipped into the window seat beside me. She was quite inebriated, but we both somehow sensed that this second encounter was not a coincidence. She chartered for a couple of hours about the importance of her work, her political leanings, and her faith in God. I tried to gently listen and respond with kindness and truth.
A few cups of coffee and an hour’s nap helped to turn the tide in her clarity of mind and speech. During the last hour of the flight, we had a deep conversation that changed both of our lives. Lydia, the anonymous name of my new friend, runs a nonprofit organization that advocates for women’s rights, specifically seeking to help young women find avenues of opportunity in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) fields. She speaks nationally and globally, with a variety of public and political figures, to try to change the way humans treat each other. Lydia, I found out, accepted the Lord in her teenage years. She tries to run her business each day by asking, “What would Jesus do?” She struggles with conflict personally, spiritually, and politically, as she works to help people understand her platform.
As I listened and shared some of my perspectives, Lydia seemed excited about the future. When I asked if I could pray with her, she genuinely received the offer. Our airplane seats became a holy place where we could connect on solid ground while flying thousands of feet in the air. My prayer was simple. I asked for God’s protection and guidance with her family, her business, and her personal life. I asked for God’s blessing over her fresh vision. I thanked God for our providential meeting. We held hands and leaned toward each other as our hearts reached out to our Heavenly Father.
Lydia wanted to exchange phone numbers so she could contact me for occasional prayers when things were ramping up in her life. I gladly agreed but didn’t really think much would come of it. As we were waiting for our luggage, I introduced Lydia to our traveling companions. She beamed as she proclaimed me as her new prayer partner. My commitment was taking on a new level. She seemed serious about this!
We have texted several times since that day. I send her a scripture verse or a particularly good quote from a devotional I have read. She responds with how it seems to be just what she needs for that moment. I always think of her when I’m flying somewhere. On a recent trip to Baltimore, I had been praying for her and planned to text her when we landed. When I changed my phone out of airplane mode, a text appeared from her. She was in a crucial place in her annual planning and needed prayer.
Over the next few weeks, we texted, called, or emailed back and forth. One alarming text from her went something like this:
Hi Jan, I hope you’re doing well! I have a prayer request… January was a tough month financially as so many of our sponsors and funders are government or education, and we experienced extreme payment delays due to the [government] shutdown. Some people had to pull out entirely for the year. I couldn’t pay myself the last couple of months, and I can’t pay my rent and even groceries. I haven’t experienced this extreme since I was a child. I’m praying for a miracle—donations, ticket sales, anything that will relieve this heavy burden. I work so hard and it’s been a paradox of things finally falling into place, and dreams coming true, as well as me not being able to pay my bills. It will pass to be sure, but today I am in fear and tears, and worried about losing my home. I spent the entire month walking in faith and feeling like God would take care of me. And yet today that faith is shaken because I still see nothing. I asked God tearfully, how much more can I take? I need a prayer circle, and I’m reaching out to those who can pray for me. I don’t want to lose faith. Thank you!
I emailed her back this note:
First of all, I can’t even imagine how hard it is to see your dreams coming true on the one hand, yet not see the fruit of it (at least financially) on the other hand. I am circling you in prayer right now!
Second, the word “shaken” is what really stuck out to me, when you said in your text, “… yet today my faith is shaken because I still see nothing.” My mind went to some Psalms. Psalm 16:8 says, “I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is in my right hand, I will not be shaken.” When you consider what being at someone’s right hand meant in Biblical times it had many connotations: 1) being someone’s advocate in court; 2) giving support in battle; 3) being a companion for a journey. My encouragement for you today is that God is your advocate, your support, and your companion on this journey. Keep putting Him in front of you even when you cannot see the results. That’s what faith means. I can tell you still believe that it will come about, you are just in a brief season of doubt and certainly are experiencing need. Having doubts is normal. It’s what we do with it that matters. We can spiral off into despair, or we can use it to strengthen our belief system.
Similarly, Psalm 62:1-2 says, “My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress; I will never be shaken.” David penned this during a time when he was being relentlessly pursued by his enemies. He recognized that he had no strength within himself!
Finally, God said of himself in Isaiah 54:10, “Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,’ says the Lord, who has compassion on you.” If I were to paraphrase this passage for you, it might say, “Though the financial security be shaken and sponsors and funders be removed, yet my unfailing love for Lydia will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed, says the Lord who has compassion on her (from the minute details of her physical well-being to the huge miracles of her non-profit status).”
May you feel God’s compassionate arms around you. I pray that either an opportunity will come knocking at your door today, or you will know who, when, and where to seek assistance. Sometimes God brings us to a place of complete trust and humility so that we can later have an even greater empathy towards the ones we help.
I hope these thoughts, which are sent to you as a prayer, will be an encouragement to your heart and soul today!
She texted me to let me know she had read my email many times and it brought her to tears. Ten days after her initial cry for help, I received this email on February 11:
Hello Jan, I have read and reread and reread [your] email multiple times since you sent it. I was really feeling that sense of defeat and despair. I had been working SO HARD and while there were a variety of wonderful things that were happening, the financial security wasn’t there all of a sudden. It was really challenging for me to be in that space for the last several weeks.
I thought about a song I once heard, and then later sang at a retreat: “He gives beauty for ashes Grace for fear Gladness for mourning Peace for despair…”
And I sang that to myself to soothe me when I felt weary. There were pockets of moments where I didn’t necessarily lose faith—but I felt as though I didn’t understand WHY I had walked through those valleys and faced such challenges. That despair really made me withdraw in some ways. I let emails go, and I lost the energy to interact with many people, especially while being sick on top of everything. I felt like I traveled a journey of faith over the last few weeks.
But this email/prayer you sent brought me comfort. Slowly over the last few days, miracles have shown up and God has answered… First, I was able to negotiate my office space rent to be covered for the entire year! Offsetting $30k off my yearly budget! Then my Operations Manager donated a sum of money that allowed me to cover my rent and bills this month. And I’ve been negotiating sponsor commitments, and received links to apply to other funds, which deadlines were today! I feel a peace in my heart today. I don’t have all the answers, but somehow, I know that God has my back.
Where there are two or more gathered… The power of prayer is strong. Thank you for standing in the gap for me and interceding with prayer.
Yes, there are moments when it feels like my faith is shaken—but God always wakes me up and shakes me harder to remind me that I am always loved and taken care of.
I appreciate you. Thank you for showing up.
You see, God was FOR her all along. Satan was there to discourage and try to shake her foundation. God is the One who showed up and had us meet at just the right time and the right place to encourage each other in the Lord. I know her story and the miracles that she was able to share increased my faith and will remind me that I can count on God to be my fortress and strength, my foundation and my Rock!