If not now… when?

Loriana Sekarski
Loriana Sekarski is the founder and president of BONSAI, a consulting company that transforms leaders (and businesses) into the best version of themselves. Outside of BONSAI, Loriana serves as an adjunct professor at Washington University's graduate student program. Additionally, she's fine-tuning her passion project, TakeFlight, a program that addresses domestic abuse within the Christian community.
I wrote the following poem as I contemplated how Jesus must feel as he hears the list of reasons we don’t seem to have enough time for outreach. While I know He extends His grace for our nonchalance, isn’t it time we changed our behavior? That we lead by example as we also expect others to prioritize what Jesus said should be our focus. Sometimes a simple shift in focus, and seeing the situation through another’s eyes, can be transformational.
I hope you enjoy this poem and would greatly appreciate feedback (please send it to Loriana.Sekarski@GrowWithBONSAI.com) as this is something new I am doing at God’s prompting:
Not now
I’m sorry Matt, not tonight,
I have to work extra late in the woodshop.
What’s that Mary, don’t you know?
James has a game, and I got to go!
An hour speaking on the mount,
that I can do,
perhaps next month,
for an hour or two.
You see, I’m busy, I’m scheduled,
there is much on my plate.
Besides, I told my Father
the souls can wait.
I’d rather be watching the score for a game,
and cheering for people I don’t know by name.
Oh Sabbath, a thing you used to do
when God was trusted for the outcome of all.
But now that you are wiser and can control your fate,
you have imposed a
schedule even your kids do hate.
And so, I will go and do what’s right for me
It is rather inconvenient to hang on a tree.