Joyful Generosity
From Organic Disciples, Seven Ways to Grow Spiritually and Naturally Share Jesus by Kevin G. Harney and Sherry Harney

Kevin & Sherry
Rev. Dr. Kevin G. Harney and Sherry Harney are the co-founders of Organic Outreach International. They have each written many books, including three books together, and over 100 small group study guides in partnership with Max Lucado, Dallas Willard, Randy Frazee, Ann Voskamp, Gary Thomas, Christine Caine, Mark Batterson, Jim Cymbala, and others.
In Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians he writes, “You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God” (2 Corinthians 9:11, NIV). While many of us may practice generosity throughout the year, this is the season when giving really takes center stage—the season of thanksgiving, gift giving, and charitable giving.
A Christian can sing praise songs like an angel, read the Bible with scholarly attention, and pray with monklike devotion, and the world might not really notice or care. That’s what religious people are supposed to do. If you want to get the attention of a self-centered and materialistic world, learn to be generous. If you really want to turn heads, be generous with authentic joy. Many people don’t even have a category for a person who lives with joyful generosity.
When we are free from the power of consumerism and view all we have as a gift from God, generosity flows. When Christians leverage their resources for the sake of the world, people will be stunned. As we find growing delight in sharing what we have with those who are in need, God will use our generosity to draw people to Himself and change the world.

"He tracked down every person he had cheated and gave back what he had taken, and more. Then he liquidated his assets and gave half of the money to the poor and needy in his community."
We read about a man in Bible times who spent his whole life earning and protecting his money. He was a master of manipulation and extortion. Like almost everyone in his chosen financial profession, he had become wealthy, and he’d done it on the backs of those around him.
Then he met Jesus. When he encountered the Savior, everything changed. God transformed his heart, and his finances followed. He had been protective of and obsessed with his wealth all his life. But in the light of Jesus’ love and presence, he made a 180-degree turn. He tracked down every person he had cheated and gave back what he had taken, and more. Then he liquidated his assets and gave half of the money to the poor and needy in his community.
When we meet Jesus, and really encounter Him, He becomes Lord of everything in our lives, including our finances. If you are not sure you believe the details of this story, read it for yourself in Luke 19. Then ask Jesus to show his face to you with such clarity and beauty that you are moved to see everything you have as a gift from Him. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you become so aware of God’s amazing grace that your material goods pale in comparison to God’s glory. Invite your heavenly Father to make you so thankful for all He has given that you can’t stop yourself from growing in generosity toward His work in the world and the people God loves.1
We know that the Lord will provide everything we need to accomplish the mission of Organic Outreach International. One of the ways He does this is by the generosity of like-minded believers. We would be grateful if you would consider joining us in our mission by including us in your year-end giving plans. You can learn more about our specific areas of need by visiting training, coaching, and provision of resources, Organic Outreach International is committed to helping denominations, ministries, and local churches infuse the DNA of their ministries and congregations with a passion for natural evangelism.