Make It Real

Kevin & Sherry
Rev. Dr. Kevin G. Harney and Sherry Harney are the co-founders of Organic Outreach International. They have each written many books, including three books together, and over 100 small group study guides in partnership with Max Lucado, Dallas Willard, Randy Frazee, Ann Voskamp, Gary Thomas, Christine Caine, Mark Batterson, Jim Cymbala, and others.
We can’t give what we don’t have. If we want our children to love Jesus with authentic and passionate hearts, we must have a living and dynamic relationship with God. This is not about being religious or acting a certain way. It is based on knowing and loving the one true God of the Bible who reveals Himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Parents can’t be apathetic about faith and lukewarm about living for God and expect their kids to shine brightly for Jesus. We can’t drop our kids off for church events so they get a dose of God and hope this will be enough. We need to dare to look at our own relationship with God and ask this simple question, “If my child grows up to have a faith like mine, would that be a good thing?”
Organic Outreach begins with a personal friendship with God through faith in Jesus. When parents get this and seek to grow in faith, it becomes contagious. It is real. It permeates their life and home. Before we can share the Gospel in the world, we need to first live it in our home. There is little chance that faith will be real and deep in our children if it is shallow in us.
Do your children look at you and see a man or woman who is actually a friend of Jesus? Do they hear you talk about God with affection and joy? Do your kids see evidence of the Holy Spirit alive and at work in your heart? When our boys were young I explained to them that I love God more than I love them. They seemed surprised, at first. I went on to tell them that I also love God more than I love their mom. This really surprised them because they knew I was crazy about Sherry!
"Prayer is the conduit of wisdom and Scripture is the foundation of life."
I explained that when I love God first and am walking close to Jesus, I can be a good husband and dad. When I am not closely connected with God and am not following Jesus the way I should, I am not the dad and father I want to be. If you asked any of our three sons, they would tell you that Sherry and I both love God more than any person in the world… including them. Knowing this actually brings them comfort.
Zach, Josh, and Nate have watched their mom closely for their whole lives. They see a woman who loves God and walks with Jesus. When they have a concern or face trouble, Sherry always responds out of her faith and relationship with Jesus. Prayer is the conduit of wisdom and Scripture is the foundation of life. All three of our boys have learned that a real friendship with Jesus undergirds a strong family and a home that can be a lighthouse in a community.
In a world where moral absolutes are questioned and the Bible is often mocked, children need to learn that God is on the throne and He really does want to be in a relationship with each of us. Parents who want to see their children grow strong in the faith need to love and read the Bible. We should also encourage and motivate our kids to dig into the Scriptures.
(Zondervan, 2012) by Kevin and Sherry Harney