Organic Disciples Series Bearing Fruit at The Bridge

Jeff Wenke
Jeff Wenke is the Lead Pastor of The Bridge in Portage, Michigan.
As a part of our mission of helping local churches infuse the DNA of their ministries and congregations with a passion for natural evangelism, Organic Outreach International released the Organic Disciples series in the Spring of 2022. Since then, churches across the country have led their congregations in the eight-week series of discipleship and evangelism. Recently, congregations in the newly formed Kingdom Network launched the eight-week series “Follow Jesus Together” with great enthusiasm. We are delighted to share The Bridge’s experience in Lead Pastor Jeff Wenke’s own words:
The Bridge (part of the Kingdom Network Michigan Region) went “all-in” on the Organic Disciples campaign.
The all-church campaign helped us focus on the seven key ingredients found in Kevin and Sherry’s book [Organic Disciples: Seven Ways to Grow Spiritually and Naturally Share Jesus]. The online survey helped us recognize a need for spiritual growth in each area, which elevated the importance of weekly teaching. The Bridge offered one elective option each of the seven weeks of the series to directly strengthen each ingredient. For instance, we called for an all-church worship night the Wednesday after teaching the ‘whole-hearted worship’ message. We were blown away – when all our typically attending 4th-5th graders in The Zone and all our typically attending 6th-8th graders in Fusion—ALL came into the sanctuary with their parents (and about 150 others!). Having the students in front rows—and leading much of the night, produced a passionate worship experience unlike any previous gathering!
An additional 120 people joined our weekly discipleship Life Groups. Those groups focus on implementing each section of the Organic Disciples book and praying for each other. We are experiencing increased prayer and Holy Spirit movement throughout our church! Our middle and high schoolers came back from Winter Camp on fire! Twenty-five (25!) of them have decided to be baptized!!
We celebrate that so many other Kingdom Network Churches have been taking this journey with us!
More Lord!
To learn more about the Organic Disciples series and other resources for your church, Robin Maguire our Director of Engagement would love to connect with you! You can reach her by email at