Organic Prayer: Discover the Presence and Power of God in the Everyday

Kevin Harney
What if prayer could be like breathing?
Imagine if prayer could unleash the power of heaven and the hand of God in our everyday lives! What might happen if ordinary Christians experienced the presence and power of God as they went to work, took classes at school, washed the dishes, exercised at the club, shopped for groceries, and went about the business of life? This is the dream of God. People like you and me talking to the Almighty King as we walk through an ordinary day.
My wife Sherry lives this way. She grew up with praying parents who taught her that nothing is too small to matter in the eyes of God. She also learned that nothing is too big for God to handle. The Maker of Heaven cares about each of His children and His door is always open when we are ready to enter His presence. When Jesus died on the cross, all barriers were demolished and the door to the most holy place was unlocked (from the inside) and left open!
My hope is that Sherry’s book, “Organic Prayer, Discover the Presence and Power of God in the Everyday,” will transform your life and your world. I believe the biblical truths contained in the pages of this book (or that you will hear if you listen to Sherry read the book to you on Audible) can revolutionize your life. This book is saturated in Scripture and rock solid in theology. It can connect you to the God who loves you and longs to commune with you every moment of every day.
If you take time to immerse yourself in the truth and themes of this book, among many other heavenly blessings, I believe you will go to deep places of intimacy with God.
Ask God to open your eyes so that you can see His hand at work in the world and your life on a deeper level than ever before. Believe that God is present at all times and in all places and invite His Holy Spirit to reveal where He is at work. Learn to pay attention to when God brings people into your life (and along your path) who are wandering far from the Good Shepherd. Then, let God use you to organically point these people toward the Savior who loves them.
Cry out for the Spirit of the Living God to tune your ears to hear His voice when He whispers and when He shouts. God is speaking far more than we notice. Learn to recognize the voice of the Good Shepherd just as Jesus said you would (John 10:27). Then, do what He says!
Ask your heavenly Father to soften your heart so that you can fully receive His love and share it freely with others. When our hearts are tender and tuned into God’s direction, we love the lost like Jesus did and we become bold to stand strong against the lies and tactics of the enemy of our souls. This combination of tenderness and toughness makes us a powerful presence of Jesus in the flow of every day.
Commit to surrender all of your life to Jesus. Pray for people, with your eyes open during every encounter. And pray with people, even those who don’t yet believe in Jesus. As you do, you will see heaven come to earth and people of earth enter into heaven!
What might happen if every follower of Jesus prayed attentively, passionately, and naturally through all the moments of their life? Hearts would change, homes would be filled with the presence of Jesus, marriages would thrive, friendships would become rich with the Spirit, and the world would encounter the presence of our Living God. I invite you to enter this adventure of Organic Prayer!